Sunday, July 14, 2013

Session 38 - 7,900 xp

Heroes: Ceolwic, Shazar'r (Ibiki), Rat.

The Heroes enter the Orrery, where they must defeat Bringers of Fire and Stormwalkers guardians. While they ascend the many levels of the Orrery, they feel the power of their dragonmarks infusing them with unnatural vitality, making them faster, and rapidly regenerating their wounds.

But deadlier challenges await them. During the fight against dreadful undead spectres, Ibiki is mortally wounded. Ceolwic performs a ritual of reincarnation on her corpse, and she comes back as Shazar'r, a male Lizardfolk.

Finally, the Heroes enter the open level where the power of Dragon's Eye is kept, a pulsing globe of prismatic energy. In the same place, Sul'kir the silver dragon is kept prisoner in a forcecage. The mighty Khurystas, protector of the Orrery, attacks the Heroes before they have a chance to release the silver dragon.

Ceolwic summons powerful elementals, Rat unleashed psionic fire and Astral Contructs, and Shazar'r dares jumping on the dragon's back to stab him with his magical weapons. After a deadly fight, Khurystas falls, and the light of three aligned moons hits the Dragon's Eye. The energy realeasing from it creates a Bluespawn Godslayer, which immediately attacks the Heroes.

With the last of their strength, they defeat this last opponent, and free Sur'kil. Now that the threat of the Dragon's Eye is no more, the Chamber rewards them with powerful magic, before bidding them farewell. The Heroes return to Sharn.

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