Heroes: Ceolwic, Shazar'r, Rat, Elwyn.
The Heroes explain Merrix's plan (to bring back Cyre by sacrificing countless souls) to the Lumi, and their leader, orrified, promises to assist them. He gives them each a magical potion infused with a sliver of Irian, an artifact of great healing powers.
The Heroes visit the cells level, where they find Elaydren and Dhu'sarra. The two women, both holding a grudge against Merrix, also lend their assistance. The Heroes plan to use the Planar Orrery they found in the complex to channel Syrania's power into Sharn, just when Merrix's disjunctors would make it fall. Since both Elaydren and Dhu'sarra have worked with the Orrery before, they know how to activate it after Shazar'r explains them how to modify its functioning.
After crossing a laboratory where the procedure to harvest souls takes place, the Heroes finally enter the main laboraory, a huge hall where a congregation of Cyrans is listening to Merrix giving a speech. The odds look agaist the Heroes, but an armed force of Lumi arrives, engaging the Cyran's artificer and soldiers, and leaving the Heroes to face Merrix and his bodyguard, Hanjin, a half-warfoged monk of monstrous power.
The living artifact, Xulo, is attached to a wall, high above a podium where Merrix, connected to Xulo through several metal and stone cables, taunts the Heroes to try and stop him. Behind him, the wall is carved to resemble a gigantic draconic head.
The Heroes throw powerful magic and mighty blades at their opponents; fire, lightning, earthquakes, and fell magic is brought to bear by both sides, but Hanjin's and Merrix's defenses, bolstered by the power of Xulo, are not easily defeated.
When finally Rat reflects and harm spell back at Merrix, breaking his body. As Merrix falls, his mind and soul, now released from the prison of flesh, merge with Xulo, and the whole wall falls apart, revealing what was hiding behind it: the terrible visage of a colossal warforged dragon detaches from the wall, revealing the cliff side and the open space beyond.
Fire spreads around the terrible beast, and the Godforged roars in rage. The ultimate battle to decide the fate of Khorvaire has just begun!
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