Sunday, June 9, 2013

Session 34 - 5,250 xp

Heroes: Elwyn, Litz, Dalin, Manten.

Backed by his Infusions, and with a bit of luck, Manten manages to disable the trap. Further investigation does not reveal any clue about the culprit.

Elwyn is called below deck, where the Thrane Paladins have assaulted the room of the Karrnathi Skeletons. Diplomacy has no effect on either side, and only after a few skeletons are destroyed, and one paladin is dead, the Heroes manage to subdue all the combatants.

When the Thrane Cardinal is called to reprimand his paladins, he's found dead in his room, hanged, a suicide letter laying on the ground, where he takes responsibility for the assassination of the Karrnathi scribe.

The Heroes confront Baron Malinko about the stolen Orien letter, and the Baron agrees to have his rooms searched: the letter is found under one of the beds! Genuinely surprised, the Baron is outraged, and declares he's been framed. The situation quickly degenerates, as the doppleganger ally of the baron reveals himself, and a fight ensues between the Heroes and the Pirates.

The Heroes capture the Baron, who admits to have planned the sabotage of the ship, first during the high-jacking attempt, and then by rigging the lab. Still, he claims he has nothing to do with the stolen letter, nor with the issues between Thrane and Karrnath.

The day after, the storm passes, and the Heroes enjoy some rest, with Xen'drik fast approaching on the horizon. But before the day is over, one of the most important passengers, a famed Explorer from Sharn, enlists the Heroes for a little expedition in Xen'drik.

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